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What no one tells you about rescue.


It may look like it is always sunshine. I get to bring animals back to the sanctuary and love them and care for them every day. While yes, I do get that amazing privilege, it runs so much deeper. It is scrolling through Facebook and seeing so many animals that need homes.

Seeing posts for roosters needing homes with responses such as:

”Just kill them”

”Send them to freezer camp”

“Make soup out of them”

You get the point. I am not sure when or how this became an option. You would never think that someone would take a litter of puppies or kittens and kill all of the males Now would you?

Posts that say their hens are not laying eggs anymore with people asking for the best way to cull (kill) them. These hens gave you eggs for 3-5 years of their life. You tended to them daily and now, since they are no longer laying they are no use to you.

Then last week… seeing a post about a pig that needed to be placed by Monday (today).

I typically do not take in owner surrenders, I keep those spots open for emergencies and put surrenders on a wait list until we have an opening. So, when we say we are full, we are full to owner surrenders. We have to keep space for emergency situations. Well, that post turned into an emergency today. We were notified of a pig that was discarded in the park. When we received the picture of the pig and the location, we immediately knew.

This was the pig in the post. They did not find a home for her so she was dumped in the park. This poor girl was left to fed for herself with no food or water and no survival instincts. As you see, she knew dogs to be her friend. While this is great in a home situation, this is a disaster in the making for an abandoned pig. This poor girl was thrown away like yesterdays garbage. Luckily, someone with a heart saw her and got in contact with us. After a few calls to the county sheriff and the humane society, we were given permission to bring her to the sanctuary. She was loaded up in the person who found her car and was on her way here.

The little girl, which we would learn later, was only 6 months old, made it here to her new life. She was cold, dehydrated, and so very hungry. Her skin was in very bad condition and she has an ear infection.

Blankets were warmed up, she got a nice big fruit and vegetable salad, some pedialyte and iv fluids. When I just checked on her a few moments ago, she was all curled up in her bed dreaming happy piggy dreams.

She never asked for a life like this, she did not deserve to be dumped.

I repeat the same phrase to myself countless times a day…”Why, I just don’t understand?”

The more I think about what happens in just my general area leads to me think what happens all over.

Rescue is tough. I cry a lot, I’m often sick for days when I see what animals go through. This is not easy, this is not cheap. But, for me there is no other option. I may not be able to save each and every one of them, but I will continue to save every single one that I can.



©2021 by Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary.

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