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I will not take in a horse, I will not take in a horse.


We took in a horse.

I love horses, I have always been around them throughout my life. My uncle was a legend with Quarter horses. I have rode, I have groomed,

I have scooped poop.

As a little girl, I fell in love with horses. They were just so gorgeous and majestic and so so big. There was always something about the peace that a horse can bring to a soul.

So, when we got the call for a horse that needed a home, I thought about it for a second and then my heart immediately said yes.

Whisper is a 25 year old quarter horse that was dumped on the side of the freeway. She was a broodmare (used for breeding) and needed a peaceful home with new friends. After getting all of the details, she was loaded up and brought to us. It was love at first sight for sure.

Whisper arrived about a week ago and was a bit nervous at first but she fell right in to place here. She loves her new friends and her pasture. She loves to be pet and goes for walks around the property.

Whisper has been a wonderful addition to the sanctuary and our hearts are so full of love for her.

After Whisper came, a few days later, I received an email about 2 mini horses that were awfully abused. I am not sure that the word "no" is in my vocabulary. I could not say no to these babies either. So, we hooked up the trailer and off we went to bring these two back to their forever home.

The mare was kicked repeatedly in her stomach, she has suffered miscarriages due to abuse and neglect and is quite skittish. The gelding is full of personality and is the sweetest boy you could ask for. We are working on earning their love and trust.

When we brought them into the pasture, Blossom and Whisper instantly became friends with them. On the first night that they were here, they all slept and cuddled together. It was such an amazing sight to see. As soon as we pulled in, Whisper ran to the fence to see what was in the trailer. She was so very happy to see that she had new friends arrive.

These babies still do not have name. Getting to know them and their personality and they will be getting some very fitting names soon. With the new additions, we are putting our fundraising into high gear to get the funds raised for the barn.



©2021 by Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary.

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