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2023 Year in Review


2023 was certainly a very busy year for us at the Sanctuary

We have been able to accomplish the following in 2023:

  • A new barn was constructed to house the rescues. The new barn is 60x100 and will be furnished with a sensory sensitive therapy room for individuals to have interactions with the animals in a controlled and calming environment

  • In 2022 we received intake calls for 577 animals. We were able to place 90% of the animals that we were contacted about throughout our foster network and families that applied to adopt.

  • Through community outreach and partnerships, Whispering Acres assisted several local humane societies by taking in farm animals. We have animals from Stark county SPCA, Medina SPCA, Friendship APL, City dogs, Cleveland APL, Middleburg heights Animal Shelter, and the Parma Animal Shelter.

  • We assisted in a rescue with Barn Sanctuary in which we rescued 2 sheep that were running through a field in Michigan for 2 months and were extremely sick. They are thriving and loving their fresh feed and naps in the sun.

  • Farm Sanctuary brought us a goat from Purdue University. We were able to get him walking again and loving life.

  • In 2023, The sanctuary took in animals for 8 different states and even 2 goats from British Columbia.

  • We helped 9 victims of domestic violence by taking in their animals so that they could seek safety. We are currently fostering 11 animals for these individuals until they can safely take them back.

  • The Sanctuary has been blessed with so much generosity that we have been able to donate food, personal care supplies and merchandise to Cups Cafe, The VFW halls and American Legion halls n Strongsville, Brunswick and Medina as well as York Food Bank, homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, local churches and outreach ministries as well as many other sanctuaries in the area.

  • Currently, we have 277 animals in our program. All of these animals are not here at the sanctuary. Through our amazing foster program, adoptable animals are able to be housed at other locations until they are adopted to new loving homes.

  • In 2023 we were able to place 83 animals in new loving families.

As we move into 2024

We have many projects that we are currently working on:

  • Our main project is running electrical and water back to the new barn. We are currently raising funds to assist with this venture. Estimates to complete this project are upwards of $30,000

  • Trenching the pastures to create increased water drainage

  • Construction of a lean-to on the barn in the front pasture for the donkeys that are residents here.

  • We will continue to partner with domestic violence shelters and mental health/substance abuse treatment centers to assist with fostering or placement of their animals so they can seek safety or treatment.

It is through your support that we are able to care for all of the animals.  We could not do it without you and appreciate you beyond measure.

We welcome volunteers, they are the backbone of the sanctuary.

We could not do what we do everyday without our amazing volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering, please visit our website and sign up for our Volunteer orientation. Volunteering is a great way to interact with and learn about farm animals, meet new friends and get some exercise!



©2021 by Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary.

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